- heat oven to 350 degrees
- Take 2 packs of frozen spinach and put into a pot to thaw. pour 1/2 cup of water in the pot. put the cover on the pot not completely, giving it a little air
- While this is going on, fry five slices of bacon in a large frying pan. Make sure the stove is at medium heat, and frequently check it to make sure it doesn't burn.
- Break three eggs and mix with a little of salt and pepper.
- Cut off a small block of your desired cheese (I recomend motzarella and swiss). Mix the cheese with the egg.
- Check on the spinach and the bacon. By now the spinach should be completely thawed. Using a collinder, drain it out, and put it back in the pot.

- Take the bacon and put it on a plate with paper towels. Make sure that the oil drains out of the bacon. Break the bacon into little pieces.
- Mix a little bit of butter and pepper in the spinach, to taste.
Add in the bacon.
Traditional quiche usually has a pie crust, but since most people don't have time to make a pie crust, you can put extra cheese in the bottom of the glass custard cups.
Spoon the spinach into the glass custard cups. Add in the egg mixture. Put cheese ontop.

Bake in oven for about an hour or until the cheese is fully melted and is a slight brown color.
